Manila – After winning the Classic Mrs. Asia International Global 2014 last June 28, 2014, Ms. Joyce Penas Pilarsky is set to come back to Malaysia to attend the Golden Phoenix Awards Night where she will receive the “Benevolence Award” on September 6th, 2014 at Palace of Golden Horses , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
After the authentication, verification and evaluation by “Golden Phoenix Award Review and Adjudication Board”, Ms. Pilarsky was declared one of the winners of “Golden Phoenix Award 2014” because of her great performance in life and achievements.
The Golden Phoenix Award is created by Asia Excellence Entrepreneur Federation to distinguish those successful women in 21st Century. Together with the winners of Golden Phoenix Award, they provide women and girls to have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams and also improve the lives of women’s through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. The Benevolence Award salutes the individual that contribute to the sustainable development and subscribe to the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ principles. She must not only be seen to be socially responsible within the realm of CSR but they have to integrate the principles and practices of social responsibilities that goes beyond making profit and those individual have to practice good governance, fair trade practices, care for environment and observe the labor and human rights of the society.
Selection Criteria include: CSR initiatives must have taken place (either in part or in full) during the last 2 years and CSR projects may be already completed or still ongoing.
Aside from doing a lot of fashion shows around the globe and proud to introduce the Filipino fabrics using indigenous materials, Ms. Pilarsky is very active in the following charity works:
• Red Cross
• Cancer society
• Doctors for the third world
• Eagles Charity Club
• Rotary Club Fund Raising events
• FGC Club Fund Raising events
• Arts meets fashion charity events
• Benefit concerts events
• Feeding program events
• Medical missions
• Gintong Palad charity events
• Jocelyn and Gunter Pilarsky foundation charity events
Since I was a child I was already exposed and involved with a lot of charity events involving my parents because through the examples of my parents I have learned that It is important for us to share whatever blessings God gave us. It’s not all the time money, but our services, our time, ourselves no matter how small our share maybe.My future aspiration is to continue doing everything I started to continue building more schools and hopefully if God wills my dream is to build a hospital, to be able to save more lives. – Joyce Penas Pilarsky.
To learn more about Golden Phoenix Award, please visit http://www.aeef.com.my/
#goldenphoenixaward #classicmrsasiainternationalglobal2014 #joycepenas #benevolenceaward #palaceofthegoldenhorses